Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.
Lost time love quotes.
Proust quotes about time
32 Major Quotes from Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time
In Search of Lost Time (also known as Remembrance of Things Past) is a novel by Marcel Proust, originally published in French as À la recherche du temps perdu from 1913 to 1927.
The novel follows the experiences and childhood of the Narrator as he grows up, participates in society, and falls in love.
It consists of seven volumes: Swann’s Way, In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower, The Guermantes Way, Sodom and Gomorrah, The Prisoner, The Fugitive, and Time Regained.
In Search of Lost Time is considered the major work of French fiction of the 20th century.
Love is space and time made perceptible to the heart.Vol.
V: The Prisoner (1923)
Happiness is salutary for the body but sorrow develops the powers of the spirit.Vol. VII: Time Regained (1927)
We are healed of a suffering only by experiencing it to the full.Chapter One, Vol.
VI: The Fugitive (1925)
The time which we have at our di