Autobiography of a yogi fnaf 4
Let's recap how Autobiography of a Yogi correlates to FNAF, as a reminder to the OG fans and an explanation to newcomers....
A solution to the story - The Joy of Creation
Hello, fellow forum-goers and fans of FNAF.
Yesterday night I received what I believe to be a sign from Scott; a realization so sudden that it could only be from some influence of that great man.
It was a solution to the mysterious story of FNAF a solution so simple and perfect that I knew it must be right.The paragraph talks about how plants, people and metals share the same life force. Let's recap how Autobiography of a Yogi correlates to FNAF, as a reminder to the OG fans and an explanation to newcomers. In this video, there is an edited version of golden's mumbling. While it is nearly unrecognizable, the call is actually a reading of an excerpt from a book named "Autobiography of a Yogi" by a writer called "Paramhansa.
Yesterday night I received what I believe to be a sign from Scott; a realization so sudden that it could only be from some influence of that great man.
It was a solution to the mysterious story of FNAF a solution so simple and perfect that I knew it must be right.
On Night 5 in FNAF 1 we hear an extract referencing the written work of the indian monk known as Paramahansa Yogananda.
I feel that I have nailed a definitive, satisfying conclusion to the story-- or am at least on the right track to getting there.
So what is it?
The events of all four games are linked to one story-- the story of the child and the Puppet.
It wasn't all just a dream, like many people say-- rather, it is a dream that became reality. The child's horrible experiences and short, tragic life reflected upon the pizzeria in a way nobody has considered.
Besides the phrase 'IT'S ME', which I will return to, do you remember the other mysterious phrase associated with the first game?
In case you don't, it was 'They will kn