Autobiography of a yogi fnaf 4

          Let's recap how Autobiography of a Yogi correlates to FNAF, as a reminder to the OG fans and an explanation to newcomers....

          A solution to the story - The Joy of Creation
          Hello, fellow forum-goers and fans of FNAF.

          Yesterday night I received what I believe to be a sign from Scott; a realization so sudden that it could only be from some influence of that great man.

          It was a solution to the mysterious story of FNAF a solution so simple and perfect that I knew it must be right.

          On Night 5 in FNAF 1 we hear an extract referencing the written work of the indian monk known as Paramahansa Yogananda.

        1. The paragraph talks about how plants, people and metals share the same life force.
        2. Let's recap how Autobiography of a Yogi correlates to FNAF, as a reminder to the OG fans and an explanation to newcomers.
        3. In this video, there is an edited version of golden's mumbling.
        4. While it is nearly unrecognizable, the call is actually a reading of an excerpt from a book named "Autobiography of a Yogi" by a writer called "Paramhansa.
        5. I feel that I have nailed a definitive, satisfying conclusion to the story-- or am at least on the right track to getting there.

          So what is it?

          The events of all four games are linked to one story-- the story of the child and the Puppet.

          It wasn't all just a dream, like many people say-- rather, it is a dream that became reality. The child's horrible experiences and short, tragic life reflected upon the pizzeria in a way nobody has considered.

          Besides the phrase 'IT'S ME', which I will return to, do you remember the other mysterious phrase associated with the first game?

          In case you don't, it was 'They will kn