Biography of susan j wolfson

          Susan Wolfson received her Ph.D..

          Susan J. Wolfson is Professor of English at Princeton University. She received her PhD from University of California, Berkeley and, previous to Princeton, taught for thirteen years at Rutgers University New Brunswick.

          SIDELIGHTS: Susan J. Wolfson has been a professor of English at Princeton University since She has written, edited, and contributed to many books and.

        1. Susan J. Wolfson is Professor of English at Princeton University.
        2. Susan Wolfson received her Ph.D.
        3. AWARDS & HONORS.
        4. Follow Susan J. Wolfson and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Susan J. Wolfson Author Page.
        5. Wolfson's recent books include Frankenstein: Longman Cultural Edition (). Formal Charges: The Shaping of Poetry in English Romanticism (Stanford University Press, ) and The Questioning Presence: Wordsworth, Keats, and the Interrogative Mode in Romantic Poetry (Cornell, ); two editions, Lord Byron: Selected Poems (Penguin ), co-edited with Peter Manning, and Dr.

          Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson, coedited with Barry V. Qualls (Washington Square Press, ), and scholarship on William Blake, S.T. Coleridge, William Wordsworth, Dorothy Wordsworth, M

          • Susan J.

            Wolfson is Professor of English at Princeton University. She received her PhD from University of California, Berkeley and, previous to Princeton, taught for