Tarik lakehal ethnicity vs race
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If the project/programme is people-centered, were target beneficiaries clearly identified and disaggregated by sex, age, race, ethnicity and socio-economic.
While race and ethnicity can get confusing, these two terms have some unique differences between them. Get a simple definition of these two terms and examples of each. Dive into how these words are based on social structures rather than scientific ones.
Breaking Down Race
You may have needed to fill out a census form or application and mark your race.
But, what is race really?
Race or racial identity simply describes the physical features that a group of persons might have in common.
PURPOSE: The majority of organ transplantation recipients need life-long immunosuppressive treatment to maintain graft function.This can include but aren't limited to:
- Skin color
- Facial structure
- Eye color
- Hair color
- Other physical characteristics
For example, a person with white skin might consider themselves part of the white racial category, while someone with darker skin might consider themselves black or African American.
This isn't a hard and fast rule, however.
Racial identity can vary based on your global location. For instance, a person may consider themselves black or African American in America, but the