Autobiography of brook bird

          Autobiography of a book in 300 words

        1. Autobiography of a book in 300 words
        2. Essay on the brook
        3. Autobiography of a book
        4. Named babbling brook, revered as a singing deity, how blissful was my sight!
        5. Inspiring and thoughtful essay on Autobiography of a Brook.
        6. Autobiography of a book.

          Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter The Brook Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

          Std 7 English Lesson  The Brook Question Answer Maharashtra Board

          Class 7 English Chapter The Brook Textbook Questions and Answers


          Read the poem aloud with proper pace and rhythm.

          2. Find the meaning of the following words.

          1. ridges: Long narrow hill to or range (mountain bridges.
          2. brimming: full of the margin/over followed.

            Title: The Private Life of Birds – A worldwide exploration of bird behaviour.

            Full of water up to the to pledge.

          3. eddying: spiral movement of water.
          4. babble: meaningless talking/sound made when ones talk loudly
          5. fallow: wasteland/left land
          6. trout: A big freshwater fish
          7. netted: Form of a net.


          Answer the following.

          The Brook Question Answers Class 7 Question 1.
          Who is the speaker in this poem?
          The brook is the speaker in this poem.

          The Brook Poem Class 7 Question 2.
          Which lines are repeated in the poem?

          What do they mean?
          The lines &#;For men may come and men may g