How old was telemann when he died

          Der schulmeister telemann...

          How many pieces did telemann write

        1. How many pieces did telemann write
        2. Yuri telemann aston villa
        3. Der schulmeister telemann
        4. How did georg philipp telemann die
        5. Telemann imslp
        6. Magdeburg, 1681-1694 

          Georg Philipp Telemann was born in Magdeburgon 14thMarch 1681. His father, Heinrich Telemann, was a preacher at the Heilig-Geist-Kirche. From 1691 Georg Philipp attended the Altstadt school and initially came into contact with music through the cantor Benedikt Christiani.

          It seems that this contact had lasting consequences, as Telemann's mother Maria was genuinely shocked by her son's strong musical tendencies, which had already become apparent at an early age.

          Telemann and bach

          She had wished that he would later takeup a “reputable” profession.

          Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 1694-1701

          To "deprive him of the poison of music" (as Telemann himself jokingly put it later), the 13-year-old Georg Philipp was sent to Clausthal-Zellerfeld in the Harz Mountains.

          For several years he lived there in the house of the clergyman Caspar Calvör and his wife, Catharina. But even here, his musical talent was quickly recognized and fostered: Telemann played the organ in St. Salvatoris Church, conduc