Alessandro zocchi biography

          My specialization is nature, science, commercial and industrial macro photography..

          Diplomato perito industriale specializzato in chimica tessile al Facchinetti di Busto Arsizio, ho effettuato uno stage in laboratorio alla Dystar Italia di.

          Macro photography is the extreme close up of an object such as an insect that is magnified to a larger than life size.  Macro photographs also focus on the subject, blurring the background as they have a small depth of field.

           It allows the subject to be seen in greater detail, and previously unseen textures and patterns can emerge.

          It works by focusing light through the camera's lenses.  The longer the focal length of the lens, the more focused and detailed the resulting picture will be.

          Most cameras come with the ability to take macro photographs, although some are capable of much more detailed and zoomed in pictures.

          Alessandro Zocchi is a research scientist, specialized in studing the biology of brain and behavior, but also a passionate photographer, dedicated to nature.

        1. Alessandro Zocchi is a research scientist, specialized in studing the biology of brain and behavior, but also a passionate photographer, dedicated to nature.
        2. Alessandro Zocchi is an Italian research scientist, but he is also a passionate photographer.
        3. My specialization is nature, science, commercial and industrial macro photography.
        4. Alessandro Zocchi is a photographer.
        5. Nature, industrial, commercial, flower macro photography.
        6.  Lenses for DSLR cameras are available in different focal lengths, depending on the camera and how detailed you want the zoom to be.  A tripod is often necessary as the camera needs to be close to the subject, which is not conducive to a well-lit photo, so a slow shutter speed will be necessary.

           Additional lighting may often be requ