Alice leora briggs biography of william
Briggs avers that the overarching theme of her work has always been mortality; but her newer images, she says, “are an examination of my own.
Learn more about Alice Leora Briggs (American, )....
1981 MFA, University of Iowa
1980 MA, University of Iowa
1977 BFA, Utah State University
2009 Etherton Gallery, Tucson, AZ (January-February 2009)
2008 The Line/La Linea, Robert Hughes Gallery, San Antonio, TX (October 9-November 8,
2007 Fever, Davidson Galleries, Seattle, WA; Breach, Box Gallery, Santa Fe, NM (December 14,
2007-January 11, 2008); Plato’s Easy Chair, Art Depot, Lubbock, TX
(November 12-
December 8, 2007)
2006 Deadly Sins/Measured Virtues, Nora Eccles Harrison Museum, Utah State University,
Logan, UT; Purgatorio, Nora Eccles Harrison Museum, Utah State University, Logan,
UT; Cut and Burn, Box Gallery, Santa Fe, NM; Issues & Arrangements: The Narrative
Tableau, Etherton Gallery, Tucson, AZ;
2005 Graft, International Museum of Surgical Science, Chicago, IL
2004 Purgatorio, Joseph Gross Gallery, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
(with Michael Cajero)