Kiyoshi kimura pirates cove
Kiyomura Corp.!
Terrorism intensifies in the Middle East, and the conflicts show no signs of ending.
It was paid by Kiyomura Corp., whose owner, Kiyoshi Kimura, runs the Sushi Zanmai chain.
Greece faces a financial crisis and the EU is on the verge of collapse. North Korea is experimenting with nuclear weapons, and China is strengthening its military.
In his 2000th book “The Laws of Justice”, Master Ryuho Okawa founder of Happy Science has indicated where true Justice lies in a world filled with these problems, from the vantage point of God.
This article aims to take a closer look at chapter 3 section 5 of the book: “How to Look at Progress and Prosperity: Sending a Message from Japan to the World”
Somalia and the Seas with the Greatest Number of Pirate Attacks
This chapter discusses the way in which Japan ought to contribute to the world.
In it, Master Okawa advances the following:
I think it is better to teach people ‘how to fish’ rather than just giving them the fish. If we just give them fish, without question the stock will