John tyler family and kline family workshop

          Yabu pushelberg

        1. President John Tyler was born in , but still has two living grandsons.
        2. John tyler grandson
        3. Thanksgiving Recess Family Drop-In Workshops.
        4. Overview: After completing studies at University of Michigan, Keith lived and worked with partners in developing nations for 28 years to improve livelihoods.
        5. John tyler grandson.

          Leveraging my expertise as a historian with a focus on the genealogy of presidents, I have established a deep relationship with the family tree of John Tyler.

          I believe that through its expansive branches, one can gain a unique insight into America’s formative years.

          My expertise has led me to uncover fascinating narratives within this lineage, from the far-reaching influence of President Tyler himself to the enduring legacies of his children.

          In my research, I have come to appreciate how the Tylers not only witnessed but also participated in the shaping of a nation—a truly captivating aspect of American history that continues to resonate with me.

          NameFamily StatusRelated To
          John TylerPatriarch
          Letitia Christian TylerFirst WifeJohn Tyler
          Mary Tyler JonesDaughterJohn and Letitia Tyler
          Robert TylerSonJohn and Letitia Tyler
          Letitia Tyler SempleDaughterJohn and Letitia Tyler
          Elizabeth TylerDaughterJohn and Letitia Tyler
          Anne Conte