Ramesses (prince)

          How many wives did ramses ii have.

          List of children of Ramesses II

          The Ancient EgyptianPharaohRamesses II had a large number of children: between 48 and 50 sons, and 40 to 53 daughters – whom he had depicted on several monuments.

          Ramesses apparently made no distinctions between the offspring of his first two principal wives.

          How old was ramses ii when he became pharaoh

        1. How old was ramses ii when he became pharaoh
        2. When was ramses ii born
        3. How many wives did ramses ii have
        4. How many children did ramses ii have
        5. What was ramses ii known for
        6. Nefertari and Isetnofret. Both queens' firstborn sons and first few daughters had statues at the entrance of the Greater Abu Simbel temple, although only Nefertari's children were depicted in the smaller temple, dedicated to her.

          Other than Nefertari and Isetnofret, Ramesses had six more great royal wives during his reign – his own daughters Bintanath, Meritamen, Nebettawy and Henutmire (who, according to another theory was his sister), and two daughters of Hattusili III, King of Hatti.

          Except the first Hittite princess Maathorneferure and possibly Bintanath, none are known to have borne children to the pharaoh.

          The first few children of Ramesses usually appear in the same order on de